Thank you for choosing our backgrounds. We hope that you can find one that you like. This background generator is pretty easy to use.
Background color and image are pretty self-explanatory. Position determines where the image appears on the screen.
Background attachment determines whether the background if fixed or scroll. This box is placed in this fairly odd location to help you see what that does. If the background is fixed, the background will stay in the same place when you scroll the browser. If the background attachement is set to scroll, the background will move as you scroll the browser.
Background repeat determines whether or not you would like for the background to repeat. You can determine repeat, no-repeat, or repeat only in the x or y direction. Finally, choose your site. The codes for MySpace and XuQa are a little different. If you are choosing this background for your website (and not one of the social networking sites), the XuQa code will work perfectly, as it is proper and minimal css.