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Paint Div Layout by Chadd

Paint Div Layout

author: Chadd

myspaceprodesigns network sites

10/15/2007 05:59 AM

10/14/2007 05:39 PM

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our toolbar! We have created this toolbar to help you out! It doesn't install any spyware, adware, or any other nonsense. It comes with a deinstaller in case you don't like it. It doesn't phish your computer or collect personal data. And it works for Firefox and IE5+.

It offers navigation for as well as navigation and updates for and multiple search engines so you can get to where you're going with just one click! We've also added an email alert, our forum's RSS feed, the weather, and online radio to it! We'll also try to use it to keep you alerted on changes and temporary bugs on MySpace. We think you'll find it very useful, so give it a shot and let us know how we can improve it.

About the only thing it won't do for you is your homework (oh yeah, and it won't kill bugs because I don't like killing bugs...why don't you just catch them in a little glass and take them outside :*[ ).

Happily Painting Div Layout by Uday

Happily Painting Div Layout

author: Uday

latest additions! New myspace div layouts! We've added 4 new myspace div layouts and have several more coming! We also just added 250 glitter graphics and categorized them for easy browsing! We also added a little over 100 animated cursors for your profile! For members, the most popular thing we have added recently are our profile counters. In addition, members can now let us host their images. You can upload your graphics, put it in a category (like misc. graphics, contact tables, backgrounds, etc.) and we will generate the code for the image as well as host it! It should save everyone the trouble of hosting one place and getting codes from another place. Members can also share their graphics now by uploading their graphic and choosing to share it.

Our myspace layouts and div overlay layouts are as popular as ever and growing in number. As with graphics, users can also share their layouts with everyone and use our myspace profile generator to create them. And don't forget that we also have our extremely popular and easy to use simple div generator along with our extremely popular and fully customizable advanced div generator! I'm of the opinion that a generator is no subsitite for learning, so remember to check out our tutorials and our div overlay tutorial. Remember, if you are not registered yet, please register because it's free, doesn't require an email address, and will give you lots of new features and add more depth to our site!

a great contest: We've said that it was coming for some time now, but we really had to have enough prizes down to last us, but the contest is open!

We're giving away a Wii, a $50 Amazon gift certificate, and a $25 gift certificate, so get a jump start and join the contest now! This contest will go through the rest of August and September. We'll start the contest all over again every month and give away different great prizes each time. We have several Wii's, some XBox 360s and lots of gift certificates that you can win over the coming months. Lots of you already send tons of traffic our way, and we really appreciate that. This is a great way for us to give you something in return! I hope everyone has a great week! - Thanks again, Uday

yfly games

yfly! social network: yfly is the leader in social entertainment. It is a network with Certified Celebrity Profiles offering the best in competitive gaming and social networking and allowing users on the site to compete against their best friends for high scores! We hope you'll check out and join yfly!

For those of you coming to us from yfly, welcome to! We already added a feature for yfly users to download backgrounds so they can be uploaded to your profiles! We'll try to add features for yfly users so getting codes and using our graphics is as easy as a click away. If you think of any features you would like to see, please just let us know.

MySpace and Blog Graphics!

Biohazard Background by Uday

Biohazard Background

author: Uday

We currently have close to 10000 free graphics available to you. One of our most popular categories are our MySpace Extended Network Graphics, which contains about hundreds of unique extended networks for your MySpace profile. You can also check out our MySpace Contact Tables. We have nearly 1000 available for you to use. In addition, we offer over 300 background graphics for your MySpace, XuQa, blog, or personal website in addition to a growing list of MySpace Layouts and MySpace Div Layouts. The best part of this is that all of our graphics are free to use and you don't have to worry about bandwidth limitations as we will allow you hotlink from our page to your page. Check back with us often, because we are constantly adding new graphics, extended networks, online now icons, background images, contact tables, cursors, and MySpace layouts so we can always offer something new and unique for your profile.

HTML and CSS Tutorials!

If you came here for HTML Tutorials, we have plenty of those, as well. We are working hard to stay up to date with the latest filters for common community and blog sites so our codes always work. If you are just learning HTML Coding, we hope you will take a look at our HTML Code Tutorial pages. We offer you guidance on learning things like the basics on pictures, text, fonts, music and video embeds, and css. In addition, we provide several advanced tutorials. One of our most popular is our MySpace Div Tutorial, which will really teach the basic CSS skills required for any website or blog that allows CSS. We can guarantee that you will not find another Div Tutorial that is as in-depth as the one we offer, we have phased it into 11 sections, explaining everything from style sheets to selectors, to making divs work on MySpace. In addition, we have added our tutorial on Image Mapping, which is equally in-depth and designed to help you understand the HTML as well as implement the codes into your MySpace page or your own website. We will continue adding basic and advanced HTML Tutorials to help make our site the top spot for code help and support. And, if you ever have any questions or get confused, you can ask us in our MySpace Pro Designs Support Forum, where we will do our best to walk you though any coding you don't understand or have questions on.

Can't Find It?

MPD is a huge site with around 10,000 Graphics, 70 pages of HTML Tutorials, 75 div layouts, another 300 regular layouts, nearly 200 mp3 players and games, and about 20 generators! People often get lost trying to find what they're looking for. Our site search located at the top right of every page will help you locate graphics, layouts, generators, and tutorials.

site errors?

We get lots of emails about site errors and we appreciate your help! However, some of these (about 1/2) are actually caused by users disababling/disallowing certain things. While using the site, please allow scripts, javascript, and popups. Allowing scripts to run is required for the mp3 players to work. Javascript will allow some of our generators to function fully with the color picker widget and popups are only used for our graphics widget (to add images in our generators) and for informational popups. Our popups only happen when you click on a descriptive link, so there will be no surprises. The promise from me is that we will never use javascript to install junk on your computer, will we ever use popups for advertising, and we will never open pages in different windows. If we ever do, I give you permission to slap me. I would much rather you come to our site, trust our site, and enjoy our site than make a few extra bucks by annoying you and opening different windows when it's not necessary.

However, if you find any site errors or would like to see some new features, we hope that you will give us feedback at our forum. I always try to respond to everyone. If you need help with coding or graphics, please check out the MySpace Pro Designs Support Forum or use our live help link at the top of the page, where we will gladly assist you.


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